How To Prepare For Hurricane Single Woman

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How To Prepare For Hurricane

How To Prepare For Hurricane Single Woman

How Do We Prepare For A Hurricane

How to prepare your home for a hurricane • • • By Ilyce Glink Updated on: May 29, 2013 / 9:03 AM / CBS NEWS (MoneyWatch) Batten down the hatches: Hurricane season is coming, and this year's weather looks particularly nasty. Forecasters are already warning that the Atlantic hurricane season is going to be 'above normal and possibly extremely active,' according to The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The group predicts between seven and 11 hurricanes in 2013, with three to six of them turning into major cyclones with winds topping 110 mph. Keep in mind that technically Superstorm Sandy wasn't even a hurricane, let alone a major hurricane like Katrina, when it slammed into the Atlantic seaboard, and Sandy still caused $50 billion in damage. In short, preparation is vital. While fully locking down your home could cost upwards of $4,000 or more, it will likely be worth it in the end. Aimersoft drm media converter keygen.

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